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Creativity Connecting

through Photography


Research your chosen images story. In your sketchbook gather research and present information on your chosen image..

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Remake Project Objectives:


To develop an understanding of the narrative in an image. Discover and create the moment before, during and after an image. Invent and plan your own interpretation with a developing knowledge of studio lighting. Replicate your own image inspired by a chosen visual image.


To develop an understanding of a narrative in an image.


• Discover and create the moments before  during and after an



• Invent and plan your interpretation of  your chosen image.


• To develop a working knowledge of studio  lighting. Explain your lighting set up to  replicate your chosen image.


• Produce your own remake of your image.


Gather props costume and scenery to use in your groups re-interpretation. Create, paint and construct parts of your planned scenery.


“You don't take a photograph, you make it.” 

Ansel Adams

Research & Present:


Research photographers/digital artists that have created remakes


6 Double Pages minimum

Produce some mock images of sections of your remake.


Try different locations for your shoot.


Experiment with lighting, set and shoot final image/images.


Place all images (contact sheet) and final images in you sketchbook.

Here are some links to help you....



 Kelly McIntosh. Proudly created with

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