Digital Design
A2 Digital Design
in Photography.
Digital Design through photography has had a long relationship, this course will give you a rounded exposure to different aspects of Digital Design allowing you to display and convey your abilities in a variety of disciplines and demonstrate your understanding in contexts.
Digital design is a branch of graphic design, you will be asked to produce multimedia based works and work to a live client brief. The course is similar to that of graphic designers, with an expanded skill-set in using digital tools across different platforms. In addition to creative practical work, you will also establish links between your own practical work and the broader art world.
How could you develop your Digital Design, Well this depends on your own personal interpretation and Client requirement, Your creative direction could be:
Interactive Media (including Web, App and Game Design)
Packaging Design
Design for Print
Communication Graphics
Motion Graphics
Design for Film
Digital Design is an exciting and wide-ranging subject and I hope you leave the course multi-skilled and aware of all the opportunities that exist within this interesting industry.
You will encompass a breadth and depth of Digital Design through your studies, building on the strengths you already have
You will produce a portfolio of work which has a Personal and Client based result.
Along with an investigation to include a related personal study that must be between 1000 – 3000 words.
Finally a Controlled Assignment were by you will select one starting point from an early release question paper from OCR in which a 15 hours of controlled assess piece of work will be submitted where you will demonstrating Planning, Preparation and Relisation with an Outcome.
Knowledge is the communication of meaning through a Digital design response. This includes methodologies such as visual analysis, materials and technical analysis and critical discourse.
Understanding is demonstrated by applying appropriate analytical skills in a variety of differing solutions for example, studio based work; design in the community, Client based brief. This can be evidenced through both theoretical and practical outcomes.
Skills are defined as the use of formal elements, techniques and technologies and their application to a selected media.
A critical awareness of the social, cultural, historical and economic meanings contained within own and others’ art and design work.
1. This is your opportunity to show your skills and develop your own ideas base on a DIGITAL DESIGN BRIEF.
Digital design is also different from print design because it is interactive. You are asked to take on a clients brief.
As a digital designer you are asked to taken up by client work. This could mean collaborating with a client to design their new website, Redesign the business logo and merchandise or one-off projects like creating a single infographic.
What is your BRIEF to be.....and how or what are you going to be designing?
First you need to get in contact with the client, The client could be your place of work, a local company, family or friend who has a business and offer your services.
A Real Live Brief is the best way to start, but for others of you this could be Hypothetical
brief...It's up to you.
So Identify a Problem with the current Graphic's, is it
branding, that is required or promotional materials that is needed?
It's time to Write up your Brief.
Overview: Objectives
Deliverables Needed:
Design, print materials, end product.
Primary Audience:
Who are they, how are they used.
Key Message:
What is the single most important thing to say, what is the big story.
Tone and Image:
funny/casual or formal.What do target audience believe before, what tone and imagery will be most effective, specific visual goals.
When must the message get to the target audience for greatest impact,
Timing and Perameter's:
What format, size etc is it, and when its required.
feedback, client, teacher and peers
Additional information
Your influences must be clear, artists research will provide ideas and techniques. Your own photos will provide raw material and be experimented upon where you will develop your ideas into a series of final outcomes..
Finally you will present a single fully developed piece or a series of pieces that conveys your concept with success , as well as your digital photography capability.
Begin by researching 8 Designer/ Artists from the Pinterest boards link below with your Client in mind.
"Click on these Amazing Websites"
Generate 8 different photo shoots based on observation reflecting the Client Business.
With your Client and their business
in mind respond by experimenting
through print, scanning,
projecting, vectorizing illustration etc.
Present your best edited images with detailed analysis of how your work links to your Brief/Client Requirements with detailed reasoning behind it.