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Creativity Connecting

through Photography





charlotte final

charlotte final

Kira Yr9

Kira Yr9







People & Places


1. What do you think of when we associate people and places...  For Me is my Nan and the Beach...and so on


In groups discuss what Portraits could mean.

Look up the dictionary definition.

What is a portrait and what can it be used for?

Think of a context where portraits are used in everyday life.

Look up alternative words (Similes) to Portrait.

Create a mind map with all the the ideas you have discussed.


Research based on your own ideas. 6-8 Digital artists and Photographers of your choice.


Here are some great links for you

2. Planned Response....


You are asked to choose 3 or more photo shoots ideas 

Respond...Research 3 Digital artists and Photographers of your choice from these selected examples....Personalise your idea by planning your own woodland/landscape shoot in response.

Shot 1: Mirror Image

Props: Mirror, model

& woods

Take one shot of model

with mirror and

another of just the

background keeping camera in the same position

Shot 5: Combine

Props: woods and seascape

Take several shot of the wood surrounding and repeat with a different landscape and combine.


Shot 2: Two landscape in one

Props:  model

& woods

Take several shot of model

in there setting, take further images, using the hoizon line mirror and develop over the top with watercolour. 

Shot 6: Silhouette

Props: woods and townscape

Take several shot of the wood with the model close range, remove the positive form of the model and replace with a town scape.


Shot 3:  Emotion

Props:  model

& woods

Take several shot of model

in there setting capturing emotion in the body language , what is the hidden narrative in the shot..

Starting Points.......



Hidden identity





Lost or Invisible


Shot 7: Mood

Props: woods and model

Take several shot of the wood with the model, get the model to move, set camera shutter fast, capture the solitary mood.... 


Shot 8: still

Props: woods and model

Take several shot of the wood with the model, edit photo further with photoshop brush insects or birds....


Shot 4:  Sureal

Props:  model

& woods

Take several shot of model

in there setting, take several shots of the landscape through the eye of a worm. Puddle, etc.

Shot 9: Angle

Props: woods and model and object of choice.

Take several shot of the wood with the model laying down, place object to create an unusual composition and narritive.  


3. Respond and Capture..... Here we go !

Lanhydrock House

To help with the direction this project will take, you will be visiting Lanhydrock House and Gardens to plan and execute a Photoshoot based on your own ideas to the starting point People and Places, in addition the three other Photoshoots organised by yourself outside school.

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Your learning Objectives......



To create a series of 3 final pieces (a Triptich) that tell a story or express a message that is important to you. 



Begin by choosing a starting point provided below or choose one of your own and create a detailed mind map of your ideas.


You must research a minimum of 4 new artists/photographers to inform your work and development of your ideas.


You must explore a variety of techniques that you have already learned and new ones that you will find yourselves through your artist research, see Workshops in Support if your stuck.


You must include symbols in your images that will help you tell the story, Maybe an object of significant importance to the narrative you are conveying.


You must plan your Lanhrdrock photoshoot. Consider, props, costume, expression, framing, pattern, texture, focus, composition etc.


Select and present the best of your photographs and edits.

Making the Narrative Speak to the Audience.......

Using symbols in your work can create create a more suggestive and evocative meaning, we refer to this as Semiotics:


I wish you to look closely at the of

Any-Jo Smith created as a final piece for her A2 Studies. 


Describe the story you feel is being told... What does it say to you?


Can you identify the sybmbols that are helping to tell the story.


 What does each one mean in relation to the story?


How has this image been created?


What techniques have been used?


4. Get Creating............

Create your final work by combining some of the images produced during the research section of this project.





Create a new document in photoshop, alter height to 60cm and width 160cm. Begin to place your own work into a well considered composition.....



Great Examples From Other Students.......

To achieve the best Grade remember.............


How Can I Achieve a  Level 8 / A Grade.....

What do you

need to do..

to get the




    the following..

Remember to.....

5. Respond Again.....

Often we respond by creating an interesting final piece, as seen above, I am asking you to respond again which will ensure your work and A02,A03 and A04 are fully met.


You are asked to take your Chosen Outcome piece and incorporate movement...which will give your work an additional element, engaging the audience in a different way.

Gif it...........

Task: Select your favourite piece to date, and consider what  your image may look like in a Gif format.


An image can tell convey a narrative, but in our modern world  of technology we can communicate a different meaning through motion.


You are asked to edit one of your images through Photoshop animation. 


  • Step 1: Upload your images to Photoshop. ... 

  • Step 2: Open up the Timeline window. ... 

  • Step 3: In the Timeline window, click "Create Frame Animation." ... 

  • Step 4: Create a new layer for each new frame. ... 

  • Step 5: Open the same menu icon on the right, and choose "Make Frames From Layers."

You may wish to us purely colour, or select an area within your image that moves ever so slightly. Or maybe the whole piece moves as in the case of the example above.


Record your animation using

Quick Time and review.

Present in your sketchbook..... Get someone to review your film, what do they think!

 Kelly McIntosh. Proudly created with

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