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Creativity Connecting

through Photography





Respond in an artistsic way to the starting point that interests you.


Take your own photographs.


Keep your chosen subject from the very first idea through to the final piece.


Look in detail at all parts of your idea, theme or subject. Choose, research and communicate all relevent information. Make and evaluate as you go along.


Turn your idea and feelings into reality using media, processes and techniques to communicate your idea.


Use and compose visual ellements such a line, tone, colour, pattern shape and form into your final piece.


Study works of art by exploring the work of others (artists and photographers) Use your own knowledge gained to improve your work and progress.











Choose a key word from the Exam Paper...

STAGE 1:  Research and Respond..


You are asked to begin with a mind map, dividing your thoughts, ideas, research, etc into four parts as identified above


(A01: Research, Experimentation, Own Photographs and Final Piece Ideas).


Think carefully about each section and begin to explore with visual and written reference your starting point........

...Wonderful Links...

1. Read through the exam paper and choose a starting point.


Task 1:  Produce a mind map diagram over a double page in your digital or physical sketchbook. Divide your mind map into four elements as shown above. Begin to identify visual images and written dialogue explaining your initial ideas, thoughts and interpretation to the starting point selected.


Task 2:  Produce a minimum of 6 artist research pages on 2 different artists/ digital photographers from the links above.


Task 3: Shoot in responce to your initial artist research 30 digital images based on your starting point. Present as a contact sheet in your sketchbook. Enlarge 4-6 of your best shots and connect to your ideas. 


Task 4: Repeat task 3 again with another shot, this time respond to a different artist and their work. Ensure that your own work is developing through your idea.

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2. Click o these websites to discover new artists and their work or Click of Me or Mrs Bray for inspirational Pinterst Boards.

3. Experimentation & Further Artist Research

You are asked to begin to consider your final piece and what this maybe. By experiementing and working through your ideas you will generate an image or series of images that will demonstrate development and realisation and intent of your final exam piece.  (A03 Experimentation).
Think carefully about this section and explore with development, Reference and connect throughout this stage to your starting point........

Once completed you will have 20 beautifully present pages in your sketchbook

Have you EDITED your  photos taken for task 3 & 4 of stage 1. 


Task 5: You are asked to develop these images by either:


     Slice up and rearrange printouts of your    

     photographs taken.


     Collage together at least 2 different designs. Using painting or drawing material to fill in the gaps, expand.


     Alternatively use an iPad to develop one of two of your best shots (use apps in the photography & art folder).


     Scanography: Scan objects/faces, old photos, foliage etc. related to your        

     starting point.


     Screen shot the process by regularly pressing the on/off button and the home button together at the same time.



Task 6:  Produce another 4 pages of artist research on 2 different photographers/digital artists from the links above.  Respond by planning and generatng a photoshoot exploring the style, techniques of your chosen artist and connect this to your own ideas and starting point.



Extension: Experiement with either your college, scans, iPad version or photograph from Task 6. Develop your chosen image in photoshop and link the outcome to your photographer/digital artist that you explored in your research in either  Task 2, 4 and Task 6 . Screen shot regularly and add to your physical or digital sketchbook ( annotate to explain your idea, connection and influence from the research carried out).



The complettion of all tasks 1 to 6 must be handed in by the end of ...........

You are asked to begin experiementing and working through your ideas by generating exploratory investigation through image and decision making 
(A02 Experimentation).
Think carefully about this section and how you can make your idea happen, remember to link and connect to the starting point........

4. Experimentation & Refine Your Idea...

Task 7: Research 4 more artist/photographers over 8 pages in your physical or digital sketchbook. Make sure you annotate to explain the connection between their work and your idea. 


"Explore Photoshop tutorials to give your idea an increbible twist or a new dimention".


Task 8: Shoot a further 60 photographs. plan a photoshot for the studio (empty industrial unit), use the story board template to show your intent and forward planning. Experiment with lighting, add colour gels to the lamps, build a set or small instilation, bring in objects from home to support this shoot. 


Maybe consider FASHION / GRAPHICS as a way to develop your idea: explore my pinterest board for inspiration or visit 





Refine and develop your idea. Use new images and start to put togather a FIRM idea for your exam session. Screen shot the process and add these to your sketchbook.

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You are asked to refine your idea by developing your own peronal responce to the starting point. By experiementing in-depth you will refine your idea with an outcome in mind (A02 Experimentation & A04 Outcome).
Think carefully about both of these sections and how do you plan to show your progression responding to the starting point. Your idea for your final piece must be fully developed and refined to ensure the best mark is given.

Task 9: Refine your idea by taking a series of  60 digital photographs exploring your starting point further. Meet up with friends and use them as your models. Take photographs in different locations - Woods, Beach etc.,  always take a camera with you where ever you go....


Task 10: Take 30 photographs of textured surfaces to use as layers in your future exam photoshop work. See examples Below....aim for 10 different surfaces (capture 4 images for each surface). Present in your physical or digital sketchbook.


Extension: Create a Behance and/or Flickr portfolio upload all your good images for your exam and some of your best coursework images. Screen shot the pages from your online portfolio and present this in your sketchbook.

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Your preparation should have know identified a single idea/concept.


You have 6 hours to create a final piece or pieces that clearly should your mock exam journey from starting point to an outcome.


Ensure that your outcome is presented as either a........






































 Kelly McIntosh. Proudly created with

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